I'm not really a creative person, it puzzles me why I decided to take a Creative Writing Course, but I especially have a hard time with poetry. I'm a straight forward guy, so what I read I take it as that, not really interested or looking for a deeper meaning. Reading and Discussing City Of Eclouge, I was kind of lost because I couldn't grasp what really was being said, but with my group, I listened and was able to catch on. I noticed I need to listen in order to understand and when I read, don't take the words not necessarily so literal.
My favorite reading would have to be page the section "Beauty's Standing". I definitely like page 41, how Roberson highlighted Artificial vs. Natural beauty and he focus on how the media's idea of what beauty is are overshadowing the fact that true beauty is the natural beauty. A great line that speaks to what point he was getting across was "into land people pour into colonize as artificial reef is sunk next to dying corals on the sea floor", my take on that is he is saying that when beauty is fake and can last forever, natural beauty can die and can replaced. In today's society, beauty is what's portrayed in the media, has to do so much with cosmetics, clear skin, long hair, particular body shape ..
Page 46 of "Beauty's Standing" was another section I found intriguing. It was discussing Family Values and Politics. It was connecting to how Politicians are campaigning, advertising, marketing themselves, trying to sell themselves to us, telling us what right they're going to, what changes they're going to make. Putting emphasis on how family is the most important thing to them. What we see is the candidate bashing from them, particularly how they we're calling out President Obama on being Muslim, how is they relevant to his Presidency. These candidates want to bash him, but are not paying attention to what change is he about and what he wants to do for well-being of America. Roberson pointed out the true intentions of Politicians and what modes of method they use in order to get support and votes. They tell us what we want to hear, but plan on doing another thing. In today's society, everybody is about them self and Politicians are a great example of that.
thoughtful and well-said. 20/20