The first story that I would to discuss is Misdemeanors. I enjoyed this little story, gave me a chuckle. Not sure if there was a deeper meaning within the story, but it definitely will give you a chuckle. I am curious about how it ends though, "Thank God he wasn't trying to steal horses", was that suppose to be a pun or has a meaning? It's really funny, he attempted to rob a bowling alley, I used to work at a bowling alley, been around them my whole, practically grew in them and could never understand why or who would want to rob a bowling alley? I just really enjoyed this little sorry.
The next story that caught my eye was Wallet by Allen Woodman; once again, another funny one, this one probably the funniest. I have never heard of anyone ever doing that, what the old man does is genius. On the real, the story points out a few things; first the frustration of the old man and is comedic solution is priceless, definitely seems like it would work. Next, the relationship between father and son seems evidently strong, the participation from the son is Love. I definitely will have to try this out. I really like the quote "All oyster, no pearl" in reference to his imitation wallet, great comparison. The quote can be used to described so many things in life, I definitely will be using it.
good, expand, say more.